Tag Archives: Police

Medication returned thanks to reportMyloss.com

On the 10th April a member of the public reported she had left her bag containing a range of personal items including some important medication on the roof of her car.

Within 24 hours the bag was handed in and a simple search of her name from one of the cards in the bag found her report in seconds and she was quickly contacted and the bag returned intact. Another great result for reportMyloss.com

First Success for reportMyloss.com – Less than a week after going live!

Nicola Spencer of Street lost her mobile and reported it to Avon and Somerset Police via Reportmyloss.com. A few days later the phone was handed into Street Police Station and the staff member who received the handset, Liz Tredwell, decided to run a check on the site to see if it had been reported,

I have read about reportmyloss.com said Liz and thought I would run a check on the phone even though the only details I had were the make, color and place it was found. It was only trial and error, but I was amazed to see that someone had lost a similar phone nearby. I thought it might be hers so I rang her and asked her to come down to the station to identify it. She was able to identify it by the photographs which is wonderful for her.

Nicola Spencer was naturally delighted to have her phone back;

I never thought I would see it again and now it’s turned up. The most upsetting thing about losing it was the photographs and personal stuff on the phone. I am really impressed with reportmyloss.com and will tell my friends about it. Thank you.

reportMyloss.com is so powerful it is able to match any searched field of information meaning the chances of matching lost and found reports is greatly increased as shown in this first case of recovery.