Tag Archives: neighbourhood watch

Secure Your Garden And Protect Your Home

When it comes to security, many people focus solely on their homes and the vehicles parked outside. However, gardens are often a primary target for thieves.

According to a 2022 study by Sunlife, a staggering 9 out of 10 household thefts occur in the garden (Ideal Home).

The ‘Hot’ Targets Lurking In Your Garden
Modern gardens are often filled with valuable items, making them lucrative targets for thieves, especially during the summer when we tend to leave them outside for convenience.

Ideal Home reported that the most frequently stolen items from outdoor living spaces are quality garden furniture, ornaments, power tools, lawnmowers, BBQs, and ladders (2022 data).

Securing Access Points To Your Home
While we like to view our gardens as peaceful sanctuaries, they are also often the first line of defence against burglars looking to gain access to our homes.

According to the ONS, in the year running up to March 2023, there were 525 burglaries a day in England and Wales; that’s one every 165 seconds!

To avoid becoming a statistic, remember that securing your garden not only prevents theft of the possessions you keep in it, but it also makes it much harder for intruders to access your home.

Two-Pronged Security Approach
To secure your garden effectively, consider a two-pronged approach:

  1. Secure high-value items.
  2. Make your garden less attractive to thieves overall.

Be Proactive!
Thankfully, there are plenty of proactive ways to deter burglars from considering your property an easy target.

Think like an intruder. Would you steal something that is clearly marked and registered to the owner? Probably not. Thieves aim to avoid anything that may link them to a crime and perceive it as not worth the risk.

Ways To Help Deter Theft:

  1. Register valuables: Immobilise.com is the world’s largest free register of possession ownership details and is searchable by all UK police. It is a powerful tool in the fight against property crime. Register your power tools, garden equipment, bicycles, and all other valuables with unique identifiers such as serial numbers or engravings. If your items don’t have identifiers, use a marking product like a UV pen, asset labels, or an etching tool.

  2. Visible warnings: Use window stickers and labels on items of property to warn potential thieves that your items are protected, both in vehicles and buildings. Often, the mere presence of a warning is enough to deter a break-in.

  3. Bikes: Bikes can be high-value, low-risk targets for potential thieves. If unprotected, they’re easy to resell in locations away from the theft. Statistics published by roadandmountainbikereviews.co.uk reveal that a bike is stolen every minute in the UK and fewer than 5% are returned to their owners. If you own one or more bikes, follow these steps:
  • Register them on Immobilise.com – our useful video below will guide you through the simple process.
  • Fit a security tag.
  • Use visible deterrents.

Enhancing Garden Security

A criminal will nearly always take the path of least resistance. They will choose the house with the overgrown hedge, unlocked gate or the house that has places to hide around it while they scope out what is worth stealing. Don’t let that property be yours!

We’ll explore some key ways to secure your garden:

  1. Boundaries: Ensure your fences and walls are secure. Adding a trellis or planting thorny climbers like Berberis, Hawthorn, Holly, or Pyracantha can be effective deterrents. These plants can also trap thieves, leaving behind valuable clues like torn clothes or DNA.

  2. Gates and pathways: Always keep gates locked and use high-quality locks. Gravel pathways can deter intruders due to the noise they make when walked on.

  3. Home entry points: Keep windows and doors closed when you’re not around. Installing proximity detectors, security lights, or cameras can add an extra layer of security.

  4. Sheds and outbuildings: Regular maintenance is crucial. A Which? report highlights that 22,500 households fall victim to shed burglary annually, with power tools and bikes being common targets (2019). Ensure your shed has strong locks and hinges, and consider motion sensors and security lights. Failing to meet the minimum standard or maintenance condition for your shed could result in an insurance claim being rejected if you’re targeted by criminals.

  5. Garden offices: Garden offices are becoming much more common. With computers and other expensive devices often left inside, it’s essential to secure the building. Check that windows and doors close properly and that the locks work efficiently. Consider adding an alarm system or CCTV and security lighting. Mark all your valuables with your postcode, register them on immobilise.com, and use deterrent stickers to let thieves know they are traceable.

Extra Steps You Can Take:

  • Be community-minded: As with many things, there’s strength in numbers, and this applies to home and garden security, too. Think about joining a Neighbourhood Watch scheme or just agree to look out for each other’s property, especially when a house is empty.

  • Avoid sharing your absence on social media: Some opportunists use social media to gauge when houses are vacant. Don’t post those holiday photos until you get home!

Securing your garden and everything in it makes it a much less attractive target and is a vital step in protecting your property.

Ensure your outdoor space remains a haven of peace and not an entry point to your home!

Safety in Numbers

It’s true, there is safety in numbers. When neighbours pull together, the whole community becomes stronger. Every step you can take to protect your home, will also be a step in helping to protect your community. Don’t let your road become Easy Street!

Numbers matter. The number of people volunteering within a community, the number of police officers tackling crime, the number of people willing to do the right thing.

Another type of number matters too; serial numbers. They are the easiest possible way to identify an item. When police recover lost or potentially stolen items, they can enter the serial number – or any other unique identifier, for that matter – into a national database called the NMPR, to try to track down the rightful owner.

Did you know it’s completely free to add your valuables to this database? It’s quick and easy; you create an account on the Immobilise.com website and add the details of your items. Immobilise is the world’s biggest FREE ownership register, with over 35 million items already registered. If your valuable doesn’t already have a serial number or other unique identifier, you can add one by using a marking product such as a UV pen or asset label.

Registering your items doesn’t just safeguard your property and improve your chances of being reunited with them if they go missing. There are several other fantastic benefits; not just for you, but for your wider community as well:

  • Immobilise gives police the evidence they need to prosecute thieves; for example,  when they find them in possession of valuables that aren’t registered to them.
  • It also stops criminals from benefiting financially from theft, by alerting stolen goods database CheckMEND if a registered item goes missing.
  • If you go one step further and advertise your registration efforts through window stickers or labels on items, it will help to make your home (and by extension, your neighbourhood) look like a dangerous target for criminals. Thieves and burglars are looking for an easy life – and unmarked, untraceable goods to steal and sell.

By registering your valuable items and being part of a community committed to crime prevention, you can increase the chances of recovering stolen goods and deterring criminals. Don’t wait until it’s too late to take action – start protecting your property today, by registering it on immobilise.com

Safety in Neighbours: Looking out for one another

During the lockdowns of the Covid-19 pandemic, you may have seen more of your neighbours (from a safe distance of course!) than you did your own family. Clapping from your doorsteps and soaking in the view of another real-life human.

As time charges on and ‘normal’ daily life resumes, it’s important not to lose those neighbourly connections. Having a strong, close community gives us a sense of belonging. Everyone can also benefit from the added security that comes from living in a close community.

Letting your trusted neighbour(s) know when you’re away.

Leave a spare key with them so that they can check on the property and take in any post or deliveries. They may also be able to park their car on your drive while you’re away.

Set up a community Facebook page or WhatsApp group.

They’re great for sharing information about suspicious or anti-social behaviour, with the added benefit of getting to know your neighbours better.

Suspicious behaviour to watch out for might include:

  • Strange vehicles parked up for a lengthy period, returning regularly or travelling slowly up and down your road
  • Strangers lingering in the neighbourhood
  • Unknown markings on or near properties; they could be coded markings that burglars use to communicate with each other.

Organise deterrents.

Window stickers and signage warning that your property is protected by CCTV, an alarm system, or even a dog, can help to deter thieves. You could also put up stickers or signs to show that you have marked and registered your belongings, making them more difficult to sell on and therefore less attractive to thieves.

You can mark your valuables by adding your postcode, phone number or any other number that’s meaningful to you. Various marking and labelling methods are available, but any mark will help. Keep a record of your belongings, making a note of any serial numbers or unique marks. Take photographs and consider sending them to a friend or relative so there is another copy, or record your items securely on the Immobilise National Property Register. Such registration not only helps Police return your property but may also prevent criminals from easily selling it.

You could club together with your neighbours to buy signage or share a property marking kit to help protect your belongings. If you have elderly or vulnerable neighbours who aren’t able to register their own items, you could help them to do it.

Join the local Neighbourhood Watch.

You can search the Neighbourhood Watch website to locate your nearest group, or start your own. Becoming a member gives you access to a whole host of crime prevention tips, ready-made campaigns and toolkits.

Discuss security measures with your neighbours and if someone isn’t able to organise signage or fit a security light, offer to do it for them.

Do your bit.

The most important thing you can do is look out for one another. If you have elderly or vulnerable neighbours, those chats over the hedge, or offers of help – however small – become even more important. Discuss security measures with your neighbours and if someone isn’t able to organise signage or fit a security light, offer to do it for them.