There are many benefits to selling phones, devices and electronics you no longer need.
Aside from the obvious perk of a boost to your bank balance, there’s more to it than just money. Fuelled by demand and short product lifecycles, e-waste (anything with a plug or battery) is one of the world’s most complex and fastest-growing waste streams.
These items could be given a second lease of life by finding them a new owner. Or the valuable materials within them can be reused and recycled, promoting a circular economy. Either way, you’ll be helping to reduce e-waste and its impact on the environment.

There are many routes to market now available for selling your pre-loved gadgets.
- Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree, eBay etc
- Specialist websites that buy and sell used electronics – there are too many for us to list here, but a quick Google search will give you the main players. also has an excellent guide if you’re thinking of selling your mobile phone this way
- Or alternatively, you could sell privately to friends or family
If an item isn’t in good, working condition, some websites will offer you a lower amount for it. Otherwise, the manufacturer or retailer may have a recycling programme in place, or you might even be able to put it in your household recycling (check first, though).
There’s an excellent tool on the Recycle Now website that will help you to find the right place to correctly dispose of an item.

Getting Started
As mentioned above, if you’re selling a device second-hand, it’s important that your item is in good, working condition and any damage or issues are outlined to the buyer from the outset.
As the owner, it’s your responsibility to delete any data from the device before you sell or recycle it. If you’re unsure how to, Recycle Your Electricals have put together a handy guide.
It’s worth shopping around, to ensure you get the best price you can for your item. If you’re listing it on an online auction site, or even selling to someone you know, make sure you do your research to ensure your pricing is fair.
How can CheckMEND help?
With CheckMEND, you can run the world’s most comprehensive device check, with real-time checks against billions of records. It allows you to unlock an item’s history, checking that it has not been recorded as stolen, lost, blacklisted/blocked, or had insurance claims made against it.
As a seller, by providing a CheckMEND certificate, you can verify the item isn’t compromised and is eligible for sale. This helps to build trust between you and your buyer and to ultimately achieve your best price.
There is a FREE check available for all new users (£1.99 thereafter).