Category Archives: Immobilise

South Wales Police recommend registration on Immobilise

The BBC News website has reported on a recent car crime spree in Cardiff. In addition to the usual anti theft messages South Wales Police also suggest that owners of the type of vehicles being targets should registered their radios on Immobilise to help identify thieves and return recovered property.

Ford Ka owners are being warned to be on their guard after a sharp rise in break-ins across Cardiff.

Thieves have broken into almost 90 cars since August and stolen their radios in the belief that they contain chips which can pick up free satellite TV.

Ch Insp Alun Morgan, who is responsible for auto crime in Cardiff, said: “I don’t wish to alarm car owners but as police we have a responsibility to make the public aware that Ford Kas are currently being targeted.

“My message to owners is to make sure their cars are secure, register their radio on the website and to be vigilant of anyone acting suspiciously.

To read the full BBC News Story go to:

Immobilise recommended by Knowsley bike safety campaign

Registration on Immobilise is one of the key messages from the Knowsley, Liverpool Bike Safety Campaign

Putting the brakes on bike theft is simple if you follow the advice below:-

  • Ride with your mates whenever possible, not alone.
  • Avoid taking short cuts and stay away from dark streets and alleyways.
  • Use a good bike lock which can loop through the wheels, frame or seats.
  • Record and register your bike – log onto
  • Never leave your bike unlocked and unattended.
  • Keep your bike in a locked garage or shed when not in use.

If you think you are being offered a stolen bike, ring Merseyside Police on 0151 709 6010 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

The Safer Knowsley Partnership includes Merseyside Police, Merseyside Police Authority, Knowsley Council, Knowsley Primary Care Trust, Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service and other partners, working with the community to reduce crime and disorder across Knowsley.

Read the full and original article.

Where to go to have your mobile phone stolen

A recent report by the London School of Economics and Carphone Warehouse describe some interesting statics and recommending registration on

It’s even more likely you’d get your phone pinched in London than in New York. Why? The figures, sponsored by Carphone Warehouse and produced by the London School of Economics researchers, suggest that 15% of British adults “have had their phones stolen.” The equivalent for US adults is 7% only. And 10,000 mobile phones are stolen each month in the UK…

Link to original article:

You are twice as likely to get your phone nicked in London than in New York

This interesting report on techdigest discusses why you are more likely to get

your phone stolen in London than Newyork:

A Carphone Warehouse “Mobile Life” report reckons that 25% of adults in London have had their phone nicked, compared to 15% in the rest of the country. 14% of British teenagers have had their phone stolen, compared to 9% of teens in the USA, and 7% of adults. In London in 2007, there were three robberies per 1000 people, whereas in New York, there were only 1.61

For the full article go to: