Tag Archives: South Yorkshire

Police advise public to register bikes and belongings on Immobilise

Police in Doncaster are advising the public  to keep their property and belongings secure following a recent spate of bicycle thefts across the borough.

During the last few weeks, there has been an increase in the theft of bikes when they have been left unattended outside shops or left insecure in gardens.

Opportunistic thieves will not think twice about taking property that is unattended or insecure, and police are urging the public to be vigilant and secure their property at all times.

Sergeant Jez Fitzgibbons said:

We have had a number of thefts reported over the last week, where people have left their bikes insecure in their gardens thinking they will be safe, or outside shops unattended. Even though they are only away from the bike for a matter of minutes, it only takes seconds for someone to steal it and we want to ensure this doesn’t happen, but we need the publics help.

To deter thieves, always ensure bikes are locked or chained up when left unattended, even when left in your garden.

To also deter thieves from stealing bikes, have the crossbar stamped with your postcode as it makes it more difficult for the bike to be sold on and less likely to be stolen.

Bikes can also be registered for free on the national property database Immobilise, www.immobilise.com, by entering the bike frame number. Should the bike be stolen, it can be identified and traced back to the original owner if found.

To read the source article please go to: http://southyorks.police.uk/news/06062011/5354/bicycle-thefts-doncaster